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(1 edit)

Beat it!  Not sure what the comments meant about buckets not being for combat-- the combat method I found was to run to the nearest bucket and then alternate clicking and pressing 'E' until all enemies were dead.  This worked on every level except the last, where instead I ran past the boss without fighting and just saved the princess, triggering victory.

Seems like a decent start towards a fun game, though.

Them game did get edited to make it a bit easier, that being said, I wish I would have had the time to make the cages locked until all the enemies where killed, and to make the buckets one time use only. 

In the eventual full game, I plan to make little puzzles in each level required to unlock the cages, but that was for sure out of scope for the jam.

Thanks for playing!


Fun idea, didn't expect to die so quickly the first time.

Add hold E to fill up buckets and add buckets away from mobs or make mobs slower, it was nearly impossible to refill once you got aggro.

Well done!

(2 edits)

Thanks for the feedback! The purpose of the buckets is more for post-fight than during combat, and I intentionally made it not a hold so you can't cheese fights, though I can also see the use of having during fights as well. It for sure isn't the easiest game, and I'm going to spend the next few days before the submission period ends tweaking the balancing!