Scale The Spire


  • A & D - Move left and right
  • Space - Jump (Note: You cannot jump while blocking)
  • Left Click - Attack
  • Right Click - Block


Welcome to Scale The Spire, a challenging bullethell platformer where strategy meets action! In this game, you'll navigate through increasingly difficult levels, battling waves of enemies while mastering the art of dodging, attacking, and blocking.

Base Mechanic:

The core of Scale The Spire revolves around the innovative "scale yourself, scale your enemies" mechanic. Between each level, you get the chance to enhance your power by spending coins. Whether it's increasing your health, attack strength, or agility, the choice is yours. You can also scale the enemies and make them harder giving you more coins for next level, if you can beat it.

Will you find the right balance to conquer the spire, or will you be overwhelmed by your own ambition?


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Love the game! Very nice fun mechanics

This is so fun! The simpleness of jumping and attacking makes this fun and enjoyable :D

great game(or at least i think so) i cant see the bottom of the screen. but overall great idea and great art style 

The idea is good but it turn in to a bullet hell really fast and there is nearly no way to avoid.

Resolution seems to be wrong(?)

Fixed. itch settings issue.